We like to think that we’re doing our best to help out hard-working parents by giving their kids quality Christian education at a fraction of the cost of comparable schools, tutoring centers and after school programs.
Our tuition is designed to be all-inclusive so you know up front the true cost of attending school here. There are no mandatory fees in addition to tuition. You will not be charged for textbooks, school supplies, computers, performing arts classes, field trips, Pizza Days or yearbooks.
Ask about our payment options and siblings discounts.
Annual Tuition + Activities Fee
(one-time)+ Registration Fee
Half Day Kindergarten $3,500 $300 $300
Full Day Kindergarten $6,000 $300 $300
1st Grade – 8th Grade $6,000 $300 $300
2nd Sibling $5,500 $300 $300
3rd Sibling or more $5,000 $300 $300